Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Spiced beef Recipe


1 Beef Shank (1 piece about 1kg) ,water

2 spices:

ginger(1g) half onion
4 cloves garlic

a few pieces rock sugar
soy sauce (150ml)

1 teaspoon of salt
wine (15ml)

Fructus Anisi Stellati (6 )
dry chilli (4)

pepper (20)

1. put the washed beef shank into boiling water for about 5 minutes in order to clear up; fish the beef out and drain

2. Put the drained beef shank into a stockpot and add boiling water over the beef, then put all spices listed on the ingredient list below 2

3. light the fire then put the stockpot above the fire

4. boil the beef about 1.5-2 hours(up to your taste)

5. take the beef out and drain, when it becomes cool, put it into fridge

6. cut the spiced beef into slices and put onto plate to serve

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